Our Team

We collaborate with a diverse group of professionals, including cleaning companies, handymen, accountants, property owners, marketing experts, and other real estate specialists.

We are deeply appreciative to have these individuals as valuable members of our team.
Alicja Nowak
Business Owner

Welcome to my world of real estate. I am a real estate agent not only due to my educational background but also because it is my true passion.

I graduated from the University of Cracow in Poland in 2009 with a Bachelor's degree in Real Estate Management. Additionally, in 2016, I completed my studies at the Dutch school, Roc Mondriaan in The Hague, and concurrently, I successfully obtained a Cambridge certificate. My journey has been full of achievements.

In the real estate sector, it's not just about one's background, but the strength of your network. I have a genuine love for networking, particularly on an international scale. Effective communication with our business partners is essential. It's all about finding mutually beneficial solutions and understanding each other's perspectives.

Hope to see you soon.
Alicja Nowak, Owner of Housing To Go
One Dutch saying has become my motto: 'Treat others as you would like to be treated by them'.